Foundation for Research and Exploration of Mind MotivationHugh Harmon, Ph.D. Founder Pamela Chilton, C.Ht. Director The Treasure Chest |
LÖSCHE & ERSETZE NEGATIVE UNTERBEWUSSTE PROGRAMME Higher Spirit hat gesagt: "Dein größter Helfer oder Dein größter Feind ist Dein Unterbewußtsein." Das bedeutet, die Programme Deines Unterbewußtsein unterstützen Dich oder behindern Dich. Wie paßt das zusammen mit dem "freien Willen"? Deine Gedanken sind Teil des "freien Willens". Deine Aktionen sind Teil des "freien Willens". Wenn Du die Gedanken/Worte von Dir oder von anderen für Dich als wahr akzeptierst, so werden sie Teil Deiner unterbewußten Programmierung. Gewohnheitsmäßige Aktionen werden ebenso Teil der unterbewußten Programme. In diesem Sinne ist Dein Unterbewußtsein ein "Speicher" Deines freien Willens. Dieser "Speicher" sagt Deinem Unterbewußtsein was es jeweils in einer bestimmten Situation tun soll. Beispiel: als Du Autofahren gelernt hast, hast Du auch Dein Unterbewußtsein gelehrt wie man fährt. Du mußtest bewußt denken, was Du als nächstes tun mußt um zu fahren. Als Dein Unterbewußtsein das Programm akzeptiert hat "wie man fährt", wurdest du befreit vom bewußten Denken ans Fahren. Während Du denkst, sprichst, Radio hörst, die Straße (hoffentlich) beobachtest, in all diesen Tätigkeiten fährt Dein Unterbewußtsein den Wagen, so wie Du es gelehrt hast zu fahren durch Deinen eigenen "freien Willen". Unterbewußte Programme sind sehr wertvoll. Diese Programme erhalten den Körper, einschließlich aller Muskelbewegungen - wie z.B. die Geschwindigkeit eines Balles zu berechnen damit Du ihn fangen kannst. Versuche mal bewußt, so etwas rechtzeitig zu berechnen ! Unterbewußte Programme sagen dem Unterbewußtsein wie man handeln soll in Situationen in denen das Bewußtsein durch andere Gedanken abgelenkt ist. Im obigen Beispiel: während Du daran denkst, was für ein Held Du sein wirst, wenn Du den Ball fängst, übernimmt das Unterbewußtsein die Aufgabe, Deinen Körper so zu bewegen, dass Du den Ball fangen und so werfen kannst um das Spiel zu gewinnen. Vorausgesetzt, FALLS Dein Unterbewußtsein programmiert ist, dass Du ein Held und ein Gewinner sein kannst. Wenn Dein Unterbewußtsein glaubt, Du bist zu tolpatschig oder dass Du niemals ein "Gewinner" oder ein "Held" sein kannst, so wird Dein Unterbewußtsein Deinen Körper so bewegen, dass der Ball herunterfällt, oder den Ball schwach werfen. Unterbewußte Programme haben eine große Auswirkung auf Dein Denken, Deine Gefühle und Dein Verhalten. Beispiel: Subconscious programming has a major effect on the way you think, feel, and behave. Example: You are in an argument with a loved one. While you are consciously focused on this argument in the present, your subconscious is remembering arguments with loved ones in the past and is bringing forward not only the unresolved emotions from the arguments of the past, but the thoughts and behavior programmed in childhood as the preferred (willed) automatic response to arguments with loved ones. You may find that despite your best intentions you react in a way seemingly beyond your control - saying, doing and feeling things that surprise, upset, and confound even you. Your body and your emotions respond more readily to subconscious thoughts and programming, than they do to the conscious thoughts. Another way to put this is the programmed will is more powerful than conscious intentions. Here is another example of the power of subconscious programming: You believe money is good. But as a child, your parents argued continuously about money. Dad and mom would be alternately mad and sad about money. You are really to young to understand what money is but you are not too young to decide money is bad for upsetting your parents all the time. If you are told mommy and/or daddy are gone all the time because they have to get money or there is not enough money, you will make up your mind as a child that money is not only bad for taking away your mommy/daddy, it is also scarce and hard to get. These thoughts become part of your subconscious programming. Such thoughts can make it difficult to get money. Thoughts money are bad can cause you to subconsciously get rid of money as soon as you can. Conflicting subconscious programs - such as money is good, money is bad or I can heal, I can’t heal - confuse the subconscious and create stress. Which program the subconscious carries out depends upon the amount of energy attached to each program at any given moment. Not the most effective scenario of being in charge of your own destiny. Many people believe subconscious programs change automatically as people change their beliefs. This is true but the change is often so gradual as to be too late for achieving in this lifetime the goals the old programs block. The same is true of conscious efforts to change subconscious programming through affirmations, prayers, suggestion, guided imagery, visualization and will power. Subconscious programming is protected by the subconscious. To change the programming one must convince the subconscious to change it. To convince the subconscious of anything one must first get the attention of the subconscious. Not an easy task in a "normal" state of consciousness, because in this state, the subconscious is paying attention to everything going on around it, including what you and those close to you are thinking, feeling, and doing. Narrowing down the attention of the subconscious to what one desires the subconscious to focus on is a state of focused concentration that is popularly called hypnosis. This is the ideal state for changing the subconscious programming because a) it is much easier to get the attention of the subconscious mind and b) it is much easier to convince the subconscious to change programming IF the person whose programming is being changed does not object to this change. When the person whose programming is being changed, or some part of that person, objects to the requested change, the change will not be made or if it is made, it will not be a permanent change. The part that objects will bring the old programming back until this part is convinced the change is desirable. Hypnosis is used for changing subconscious programming by removed the old and replacing it with the new. Hypnotherapy is necessary for dealing with the parts that object to changes in programming. You can make your own hypnosis tape for changing subconscious programs that get in your way. It is rarely possible, if it is possible at all, to do your own hypnotherapy. There are many hypnotherapists set on disproving this because hypnotherapists - like everyone else - would prefer to save themselves money. They figure they have the skills, why not apply these skills to themselves? The reason is one cannot be both client and therapist unless one wants a fool for a therapist and a fool for a client. It is difficult, if not impossible, to move back and forth as client/therapist. Not to mention the difficulty of finding blocks and resistance one is hiding from oneself. Below is an outline on making your own tape for erasing undesirable subconscious thoughts, beliefðr #jU ðr #jU p #jU @ #jU Xs #jU s #jU @ s #jU then listen to the tape, you can make these changes IF no part of you resists this change. How do you know if there is resistance? Here are some clues: You have every intention of making a tape or seeing a hypnotist about a goal you have, but you never seem to get around to it. You make the tape and never listen to it. You do listen to the tape and it makes you feel irritable, angry, upset in some way. You do listen to the tape and you find yourself NOT taking the steps necessary to reach your goal and/or find yourself thinking and acting in ways you know are counter to reaching your goal. Like listening to a tape or hypnotist about losing weight and then going out and eating everything or anything you think/know/believe to be super fattening to you. If you have resistance, you can 1) Continue to play the tape or see a hypnotist in an attempt to move past the resistance. (Do not take this route if you become too emotionally distraught.) 2) Seek a hypnotherapist to help you find and resolve your resistance. Choose a hypnotherapist who is professionally trained in regression therapy. To prepare for making this tape (or seeing a hypnotist), write down every negative belief/thought your think might have been programmed about yourself and the areas of life you wish to clear of negative beliefs, thoughts, and programs. (Remember, most of your programs are imprinted during gestation, birth, and early childhood, so think of the thoughts and beliefs and actions you may have been exposed to during these stages of your life.) Leave a space after every "negative" for writing in the programmed thought, belief, emotion you want to imprint in place of the old. (Make this the opposite positive belief/thought/program. If you cannot think of this for every one, repeat one you have already used.) Below, you will find an extensive list that does this for you. The purpose of this is to share with you some of the more common "negatives" we find with our clients. Self-muscle testing wtih a pendulum can be of assistance in finding your negative beliefs and old programming. Go to How to Use a Pendulum to see how. Use tapes on which you can make a recording of 20-30 minutes on each side. From your list of negatives, choose one area and decide which thoughts you are going to erase and replace in your tape. (Choose only one area or field - such as money, sex, self-esteem - per tape and no more than 10 negatives in that area.) Under each of these negative thoughts/beliefs, write the positive you will replace it with in your tape. (See examples below.) Now make the tape. You can put on soothing sounds in the back ground for the taping if you like. Nature sounds are best. It is better not to play music with words or music to which you know the words as this can be distracting when you are in hypnosis. Speak to yourself on the tape: You can use "you" or "I". For the suggested script below utilizing the BLACKBOARD OF THE MIND, "I" is used. (You can substitute for the blackboard, a computer center if you prefer. Or be at the beach with waves erasing the negative written in the sand and your writing with a wizard’s staff or a magic wand the positive in the cliffs along the shore.) BLACK BOARD OF THE MIND (This is the induction. Speak slowly with a relaxing, pleasant and soothing voice.) Begin the tape and speak: " I have found a private place to relax. I make myself comfortable as I close my eyes and take three deep breaths. I choose to be in hypnosis now. My subconscious knows what hypnosis is and I am directing my subconscious to pay attention to everything I say now on this tape. I now relax my body from toe to head (or head to toe if you prefer). As I breathe slowly and deeply, my body relaxes deeper and deeper. A very pleasant, heavy feeling in my body signals me my body is relaxing. A very pleasant, light feeling signals me that my spirit is relaxing too. I want both my body and my spirit to relax into a very pleasant state of hypnosis. I want my subconscious to pay attention and act upon my directives on this tape. I am now in a favorite place of solitude. (You can suggest any place you like - the beach, a country stream, by a water fall, in a cabin with a fire place as it is raining outside…….). It is so pleasant in this place that I lean back and close my eyes. I can hear the sounds and smells the smells and feel the feelings in this place. I feel so relaxed and so pleasant. My body drifts deeper and deeper into this relaxation. So deep, so relaxed, I float right out of my body and find myself walking now on a path that winds down into a valley. As I walk along the path, I round 10 curves - 10, 9, 8 - deep into this hypnotic state - 7, 6, 5, 4, 3 - free to be as deeply relaxed as I want to be - 2, and 1. I have walked around the last curve in the road and I am now in front of a schoolhouse. This schoolhouse is for me. It is my very own schoolhouse and I walk right up to the door, open it, and step inside. Imagine you find the perfect place to sit down. You rest your back against a tree or hillside. Imagine that as you lean back you close your eyes and see nothing but black. This is the blackboard of your mind. Imagine that written on this blackboard are the two negative thoughts you came to erase from your mind. Imagine you pick up an eraser and erase them. As you erase them, move the eraser side to side and watch this movement with your eyes. Think to yourself as you erase them, this is not true for me. I want this thought erased from the programming center of my mind. (Speak now in a normal voice, with moderate enthusiasm and excitement.) When I step inside my schoolhouse, I realize I am not alone. All the ages of me that know it is time to let go of these old thoughts, ideas, and beliefs I have chosen to erase today are here with me. They are sitting at the desks, each with a slate chalk board in front of them. I walk to the front of the room and stop in front of the black chalk board there. I can see the blackness of this board. This board is where I show the programmer of my mind what I want it to do. Subconscious, bring forward that programmer now. Programmer - you are in charge of the programming center of my mind. You are to remove from my mind the beliefs, thoughts, and programs I say to you now. You are to erase, remove, delete them and wipe them away from my programming center. As I say what you are to remove, I also erase it from the blackboard of my mind - reinforcing to you that it is my desire, my will and my directive to remove this from the programming center of my mind. Now, programmer, erase, remove, delete (read aloud the first negative on your list of 10 - or less- negatives). As you remove this, I also erase it from the black board of my mind. Every age me that has this program erases it from their black boards too. This belief may be true for others, it is not true for me. It is not true for any part of me. Repeat the paragraph above, erasing and removing each negative you are erasing on this tape. When you are done with the list continue on to the next paragraph. I put down the eraser now and reach down beside my feet. There is a pail of water there. Each of the other ages have a pail of water by their feet too. We reach into the water. There is a sponge there. We squeeze the sponge and use it to wipe the blackboard of our mind clear of eraser dust, chalk dust, all remnants of those old thoughts and beliefs. They are wiped away. They are gone, gone, gone.. We put down the sponges now and open to our light. The white light of our spirit brings creator energy to us. Energy for the programmer to use to program our new thoughts and beliefs. We can write the new programming on the black boards with our minds or with a brand new piece of chalk. Programmer, accept, imprint, and program these thoughts and beliefs I speak aloud now. (Read, slowly, each new positive belief you wish to have programmed now.) As we finish, all of these new programs go right into the programming center of the mind. Thank you programmer. We all go outside now, these other ages of me and me. We go outside to celebrate. I look at the other ages of me. I am very proud of them. They each had difficulties and each did the best they knew to do. I say to them now: "Each age of me is very important to me. Without every one of you, I would not be. I have learned from each of you. We have all made mistakes and the mistakes are important too, for we often learn best through the mistakes we make. I want you all to know, I have built a new home for you within the center of me, within the spiritual light of my spirit. This is a very safe and very loving home. It is a center of spirit. It is the center of my spirit and your spirit. It is the center of the spirit we are. Move into this home now. It is time to be in this center, this home now. Each age of me has a room within this home that belongs only to you. You are free now to be carefree. To learn and discover what is strong, and special and important about you. You have company when you choose. The other ages of me and you are in the home, the center of me, with you. You are alone when you choose, though the love of our spirit is always with you. You are strong and smart. You can take care of you. I can take care of me. We care about one another and our light helps us to take care of ourselves. To the baby and the child me, I say: "Your parents cared for you when you had a body. They made mistakes too. You are spirit now. You can heal from those mistakes. Leave your parents and your family now and be with me. You belong with me, in the center of the spirit we share. You can visit anyone you choose to visit, but live now within the center of our spirit. Find the light inside of you, the light inside of me, and move within to the center of that light and you are home. This is a loving and a safe home. This is where you belong. This is where you are loved and honored. All of the ages of me are powerful and strong. I am a powerful spirit with a powerful mind. I use my spirit and my mind to keep my body strong and healthy. My spirit and my mind and my body are a powerful team for my higher purpose and greater good.
(Speak With ENERGY Now.) ONE - The hypnosis is done. TWO - I feel energy coming through. THREE - Energy fills my body. FOUR - More and more energy. I hear my voice now and begin to move my hands, my legs, my arms and hands to stretch. Clearing my eyes now at FIVE. At FIVE I rub the palms of my hands together to stimulate the natural healing centers in my hands. I place my palms over my eyes and look into the healing blackness as I think to myself: "My eyes clear now. The whites of my eyes are clear and white and bright. Every day I see more clearly as my eyes structure themselves for perfect sight. My left eye focuses easily to see near and far and in between perfectly. My right eyes focuses easily to see near and far and in between perfectly. My third eye - the psychic eye of my soul - focuses easily to see psychically when I want to and need to." I take my palms away from my eyes now and I AM WIDE AWAKE AND FEELING GREAT. TURN OFF THE TAPE. Either now or when you have the time, sit down and play the tape. Let yourself be hypnotized by your voice on the tape. This is SO easy. Can you close your eyes and listen to positive suggestions without thinking to yourself "this isn't working" or "this won't work for me"? If so, then THAT IS ALL YOU NEED FOR THE HYPNOSIS TO WORK!!! In fact, the harder you try to be hypnotized the more resistance you will create. Don't try. Don't resist. Relax. Listen to the sound of your breathing, or the hum of the tape or the rise and fall of your words. DON'T criticize your voice. This will interfere with the hypnosis. If you MUST criticize, listen to the tape first and make notes of what you want to improve for the next tape you make. Ever let your mind drift to the drone of a steady noise - like a voice talking? THAT is hypnosis. Or ever drift off while doing a steady repetitive activity? THAT is hypnosis. Runners who are "in the zone" are in hypnosis. Yogi's who lie down on nails are in hypnosis. Daydreaming on hard chairs while you listen to a boring lecture is hypnosis. Just tell yourself, as the tape begins, you will listen to everything on the tape and do what it says. You don't have to see what you are doing in the hypnosis. Your subconscious will visualize what you are thinking/saying, even if you don’t. What will happen to you as you listen to the tape is one or a combination of the following:
Play your tape for erasing the old at least once but probably no more than twice. If you think you need more reinforcement of the new programming, make a tape on the opposite side in which you put ONLY the positive new programming on the board and/or in your mind. If you continue to fall asleep every time you listen to a particular tape, or you do not play the tape or you continually think of thoughts other than what is on the tape, and/or you feel upset after listening to the tape or find yourself taking steps other than you need to take for the goal you erased the blocks to, seek a good, professionally trained hypnotherapist to work with you on that goal and resistance of some part of you to the goal or to letting go of blocking thoughts/beliefs/programming.. AFTER you have listened to the tape, go to your list. Cross out the negative thoughts/beliefs you just erased. Say aloud: "Not true for me." Circle the positive ones below them. Say aloud: "This is true for me." Make a new tape following this format for every five - ten negative beliefs/thoughts
on your list. Make your way through your list until you have erased EVERY
negative thought/belief you can think of. You will probably think of more
during this process. You can tape over the tape you've already done or
use new tape if you want to keep the old to replay when you think you
might need too. Use your intuition with this. ADDITIONAL POSITIVE STEPS YOU CAN TAKE Once a month or once a week or once a day - depending on your choice
- DO sit down and say to yourself: "Is there an inner age me who needs
my attention?" Then either let your mind drift and pay attention to your
thoughts or pick up a piece of paper and a pen (or sit at a keyboard,
or record into a tape) and note what comes into your mind. Don't censor
yourself. If you write or think, "This is a load of crap." Write or think,
"Now, what part of me thinks this?" You'll get an answer. Then think or
write, "Why do I think this?" Get a dialogue with you going. This dialogue
can be highly instructive. There is one more thing to do. This one is for "past life personalities" of your spirit. Sit down. Close your eyes. Say, "There are parts of my spirit that have experienced death. Let this message go to each of them. You are important. You may not even be aware how important you are. Move into the Light and you will be told and shown why you are important. Do this now. The Light waits for you. The Light is your home, my home. It is where we have come from and where we return. Your questions will be answered in the Light. If you are not in the Light now, go to it to know if you are where you need to be. In the Light, you will be given many choices. You will be shown how to finish what you have left unfinished, live what you have left undone. You will find healing and love and all you are seeking in the Light. Simply think of the Light. Be drawn to it. Be in the Light now." NOW FOR YOURSELF, YOUR LOVED ONES, AND THE EARTH EVERY DAY, several times a day LIGHTEN-UP! Mentally surround yourself
with gold light as you think or say, "Higher Self, protect me from energies,
entities, and experiences not to my higher good and bring to me the energies,
entities and experiences that are to my higher good." Now open to
the light of your spirit. As this white light (which has all the frequencies
of color in it), comes in through your crown chakra (top of your head),
see it or think of it coming to your third eye. Think of or image your
own spirit in your mind’s eye, looking down at the beautiful green and
blue planet of Earth, encircled with white clouds. Image or think of yourself
holding the Earth in your healing hands. (There is a visual picture of
this in Chapter 8, Odyssey of the Soul, Apocatastasis). Beam the
white light of your spirit from your third eye to the Earth. Think of
or image this white light going into the atmosphere, the surface, the
magma, and the core of the Earth. .THOUGHTS & BELIEFS It’s amazing what one "picks up" and "imprints" subconsciously in one’s life: Thoughts and beliefs of childhood. Thoughts and beliefs formed at birth and in the womb. Direct & indirect suggestions/directives of parents, teachers, peers -whether we admire them or fear them. What we are taught by church and state. What we hear over and over - sayings and advertising. Subconscious "imprints" are acted upon automatically by the subconscious mind. We don’t even have to think about them. We don’t even have to be aware of them! They become our fate and our destiny unless and until we change them. The following are common "imprinted" programs of the subconscious mind. You only need to think or fear this thought is true for you once to imprint it. Even if you haven’t thought it is true for you, if you hear/heard it often enough, your subconscious is likely to imprint it anyway! A word about writing positives: Write what you DO want, not what you don’t. Example: You don’t want to write, "I’m not stupid." Write: "I am smart". Also, don’t write, "I will be", write "I am". Why? All change occurs FIRST in the energy fields of the mind. These fields respond instantly to thought. How quickly or slowly the change filters to the physical depends entirely on how much physical energy you give the change. The thought, "I will be healthy soon" does not change the present condition in the energy fields of the mind. The thought, "I will be wealthy" does not change the present condition in the energy fields of the mind. The thought "I am healthy now" DOES change the energy field of the mind. The thought "I am wealthy now" DOES change the energy field of the mind. Keep this in mind when you state/think the positive. Remind yourself consciously the change IS taking place NOW on the energy levels of the mind and will filter to the physical are Guard against the negative, whether spoken or thought. Guard against doubt, whether spoken or thought. Immediately think or say, "My truth is different." Then reaffirm the positive. If a negative thought keeps returning, do the Black Board of The Mind technique with that thought again. If a negative thought keeps returning or you find you are giving no physical energy to the change or signs of the change are not happening, seek a GOOD hypnotherapist to help you find the root/cause/origin of that thought.
If a positive suggestion is empty, use any positive
given above it or one that you like.