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Unfortunately, this seldom occurs with memories that have been stored, on strictest instructions by the subconscious, in places that are not easily accessible to conscious recall. In addition, flashes or impressions of such memories are frequently attributed to "hallucinations", "fatigue", "stress," "imagination", and "someone else´s suggestion".

    One client came in after having spontaneously remembered, during step aerobics, being raped and sodomized as a child by her grandfather. NMR confirmed this memory as a real experience in this life. The woman distrusted her memory, however, as she could not recall details from it the next day. She was unwilling to accept that the step aerobics had moved her into a hypnotic state where the words on the aerobic tape (´coming on up") repeated over and over had caused a repressed memory to surface. She preferred to believe she had "made up" the story about her grandfather because she was fatigued. To our minds, making up such a story for any reason, whether in or out of hypnosis, is cause enough for concern about ones mental and emotional balance.

    Another client strongly distrusted her memory, in hypnosis, of sexual abuse. She believed she had made up the story in hypnosis because NMR had indicated such abuse. While it can be argued this is a possibility, we would argue it is unlikely any level of the mind would indicate, through NMR, that abuse had occurred if it hadn´t or the mind didn´t believe it had. Careful testing with NMR by both Dr. Harmon and Pamela indicated all levels of her mind, body, and spirit had knowledge of this abuse. Nevertheless, she was not prepared to believe this and chose not to do so.

    People often ask us how we can be sure what the mind says in NMR or hypnosis is true, and not "just imagination". Our response is if it is imagination, then imagination heals, as we have watched thousands of clients heal simply by believing in and healing their "imaginations" and others not heal by not believing in or healing theirs.


Book One

(Published 1998)

The Act of Creation
Book Two

Universal Records

How to Order

Light Meditation

Messages from Spirit

Proclamation To People of
Earth from Spirit

Seminars & Classes

Pet Pages

Links To Other Sites

Press Releases

The Bookstore


The Treasure Chest contains more information created by Pamela and Hugh to further develop the ideas and techniques you've read in the book. Find out how to correct your allergies in people and pets. Learn more about hypnosis, past lives and much more.


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    We´ve also observed that while past life therapy will frequently have successful results even if the client did not believe the past life was "real", this is often not true with the "inner child". The "inner children" consider themselves to be very real indeed. We suspect because they are "present" (unlike past life personalities) and thus have great influence on the subconscious mind, they can continue to block or interfere with positive results if they want to do so. To our surprise, they can be quite willful about being recognized, accepted, and believed before allowing positive change in the body or the mind.


    While the general impression that the major part of a hypnosis practice is working with weight and tobacco clients is erroneous, we do get a good number of clients seeking to end these and other addictions and habits. We even get people who have already successfully ended their addiction or habit, but still have the desire for it because the subconscious reasons for the addiction or habit have not been addressed or completely healed.

    Tony, a man in his 50´s, had successfully ended his smoking after a hypnosis seminar. Our experience with clients is that 10% of people will end an addiction/habit, like smoking, in such seminars. About another 10% will stop for a period of time, but pick the addiction/habit up again later when feeling particularly stressed or upset. Some of those who stop, like Tony, do not lose their desire for their addiction/habit.

    As allergies to tobacco or food (or the additives in them) can create a craving for that substance, Tony´s allergy to tobacco was balanced in his first session and a means for dealing with stress. Next, the root of his desire to smoke was found, with NMR, to be a past life in the opium dens of China. After a regression to that life, Tony reported to Dr. Harmon all desire to smoke was completely gone. The desire did not return, even after Tony had a serious motorcycle accident two years later and was in a great deal of pain. Working with Dr. Harmon, he healed all of his injuries, which had been severe.

    Pamela had a session with a young man who proclaimed himself a "pot head" and said he had to stop smoking immediately as he´d just joined the Navy. He´d heard being caught with "grass" (marijuana) would land him in the brig for a long time. Pamela had him describe his favorite "getting high" fantasy, then she repeated this back to him while he was hypnotized. She made a tape of it as she did so. Afterwards, while talking to him about his experience, she looked into his eyes and realized he was high. "Yeah, I know," he responded when Pamela mentioned this, "isn´t it great?" She immediately gave "sober" suggestions to his subconscious, despite his protests. (She had visions of him being pulled over for driving under the influence and fingering her as his dealer. She didn´t think the officer would believe he was high on hypnosis.) He called some time later to say he´d become a "tape head" and that he´d discovered dragging on a straw cut like a reefer at the beginning of the tape made it even more effective for him. (As deep breathing of oxygen produces euphoria like highs, this would work.)

    Another client who drank five tall highballs a night cut down to one a night right away by playing a hypnosis tape Pamela made for him. After arriving home from his stressful job, he would follow his normal routine and head straight for his high ball glass. He would then plunk two ice cubes in it, as he always did. Picking up the vodka bottle in which he kept water, he would pour a tall glass of it, take it to his favorite chair, kick off his shoes, take a long sip, pick up a piece of paper on which he´d written (the night before) a goal he had for himself, lean back, close his eyes, and click on his tape recorder.

    On the tape, Pamela described him lying on the warm sands of his own private Pacific Island. He would feel the warmth of the sun on his face, think briefly of his goal, and, then, as he listened to Pamela´s hypnotic voice, he would relax into the sounds of the lulling waves. Soon, a beautiful island maiden would kneel behind his head and begin to massage his temples. Slowly, she would smooth and soothe the muscles at the front and side of his neck, shoulders, arms, chest, hips, legs, and feet. As he sat up, she would massage the back of his neck, shoulders, arms, and back. Then he and his beautiful island maiden would join hands and walk together deep into the tropical rain forest. There, they would climb down wide, grassy, steps carved along side a waterfall to the pool below. The water would be the exact temperature he liked and he and his beautiful island maiden would swim in the pool. Soon, he would look into her eyes and ask for his goal. If she smiled, it meant his request was granted. If she frowned, it meant there were things he had to do before his request could be granted. After they swam and frolicked in the pool, they would return, hand in hand, back to the beach. Smiling, she would wave good-bye, knowing he would return. Pamela´s voice would then suggest that as he felt himself sitting in the chair in his living room he would recall perfectly whether she had smiled or frowned. If she had smiled, his subconscious would now be helping him take the steps to make his goal happen. If she had frowned, he would investigate in his next session with Pamela any blocks he had to his goal. Then he would return to full conscious focus and write down the goal (it could be the same one or another) that he would read before he played the tape the next night.

    His evenings became very relaxing for him. He reported he enjoyed his one drink of the night, but enjoyed his three glasses of water in his highball glass just as much. He also found he had a lot more energy in the nights. He began bicycling, something he´d always wanted to do, for an hour after he got home and on the weekends. He lost thirty pounds and joined a bicycle club, which greatly improved his social life. He continued seeing Pamela two times a month to work with any crises or difficulty he was experiencing with his new life style, work, or blocked goals. He had a great deal of repressed anger due to, first, his childhood, and, second, his experiences in Vietnam. Over six months, he healed his anger and pronounced himself a "new man". (Pamela also used the island and the beautiful island maiden as an induction for his sessions in the office. After a couple of months, she decided to satisfy her curiosity as to whether his beautiful island maiden had a name. She asked him, just as the maiden was kneeling down behind him, if he knew her name. "Yes," he said softly. Pamela, expecting an exotic Polynesian name, asked her name. "Gertrude," he whispered, as he slipped deeper into hypnosis, "her name is Gertrude.")

    Sandi, in her 20´s, was a client of Dr. Harmon´s and Sandi found it very difficult to end her smoking completely. In hypnosis, Dr. Harmon asked Sandi why she was having such difficulty. Her subconscious responded: "She smokes to fill her emptiness." Dr. Harmon asked where this emptiness was rooted. The response was: "Many roots. Check two previous lives. Also childhood very sad. She has forgotten this at one level. Important to remember. Body is suffering from forgetting. Smoking masks the pain and emptiness."

    The two previous lives were healed and Sandi quit smoking completely for several weeks. However, at the end of those weeks she became extremely anxious and upset, so she began smoking two cigarettes a day (down from two packs a day). NMR indicated a great deal of sexual abuse in her early childhood. Enough of this abuse was addressed to gain Sandi great insight into her relationships with men and her low self-esteem. She ended an abusive marriage and a year later married a caring man. Sandi felt her therapy of that abuse was complete. Her three, four, and five year old "inner children" insisted it was not as they still had emotions to release and memories to discuss. Sandi ended therapy anyway and continued to smoke two cigarettes a day..

    Often, we get clients who have ended a coping behavior or addiction prematurely - before they have dealt with the underlying emotional cause - thus increasing internal stress. A client that Dr. Harmon was treating for extensive abuse read a self-help book on pressure points in the body that, when pressed, eliminate addictions and habits. "Why didn´t you tell me I could do this for my candy addiction?" she asked Dr. Harmon accusingly.

    "Because you aren´t emotionally ready to end it," he told her. "I can tell you what will happen if you use this technique, which I am well aware of by the way. It´s of great help when one is ready for it, but you aren´t."

    "Well, I´m going to use it anyway," she said. "I´m sick of eating so much candy and I´m sick of my weight."

    A few days later she burst in on a class Dr. Harmon was giving. "You have to help me!" she cried and broke down in tears.

     Dr. Harmon asked if she would be willing to work with him in front of the class. She, sobbing, said she didn´t care, as long as he helped her. She had been, she said, at the grocery store and seen her favorite Easter candy. She had applied the pressure point for resisting the candy. It worked. She walked away from the display feeling triumphant and stood in the line to pay for her groceries. Suddenly, she´d felt an awful feeling, like she was sinking in a deep, black hole. She felt extreme anxiety, deep grief, and the inability to cope with anything - even standing in line. She left her basket of groceries and made a bee line for Dr. Harmon´s office.

    Dr. Harmon asked her to put into words her feelings. "I feel," she said, "as though my best friend in the world has died. It doesn´t make sense. But I feel that friend was all that was keeping me sane and now my friend is gone."

    Her friend was candy. When Dr. Harmon guided her into trance, a little girl began to speak. She was very angry and hurt at having her candy taken away and that anger and hurt were triggering deep rage and pain at the abuse. Dr. Harmon spoke to the little girl and promised her that she could have "all the Easter candy her little tummy could eat without getting sick". This mollified the "little one" and the feelings of high anxiety abated. The client also found herself eating less candy than she normally would. (Thanks to the fill your "little" tummy suggestion.) Over the course of therapy, candy consumption dwindled until she was eating it only when particularly stressed. Today, she is able to alleviate stress without candy much of the time. Such would have been unthinkable before therapy.

    We´ve seen our clients heal of many things. We have never, however, had a client heal from a diagnosis of a severed spine. But Dr. Harmon´s brother, the other Dr. Harmon (M.D.) has.

    Dr. Robert Harmon is Medical Director of The M.E.A. Clinic which is run by the M.E.A. Foundation of which his brother, Dr. Hugh Harmon, is Chairman of the Board. The Clinic was founded to carry on the family tradition of providing caring and affordable health care for the community. This work was begun by their grandmother, Mattie Evans Alderman, in the early 1900´s. Mrs. Alderman would hire, at her own expense, doctors and nurses to bring health care to those in the Coachella Valley who could not afford it, most notably women on the Indian Reservation and field laborers and their families. Mrs. Alderman also built and donated the building for the first high school in Thermal, helped start the first telephone service in Thermal, was a contributing founder for the First National Bank in Coachella, and built the company that first provided Imperial Valley with pure artesian drinking water. When she thought it was time to improve the roads and build better bridges in the Valley, she got in her Model T, drove to Sacramento, and bullied the legislature into providing the funding to get them built. Her husband, a Methodist-Epsicopal minister, would frequently suffer fainting spells from what would be diagnosed today as hypoglycemia. When a spell would come on, Mattie Evans Alderman would take the pulpit and deliver his sermon with her fiery determination and passion. Her work ethic, high ideals, sense of duty, and commitment to serving others were passed on to both of her grandsons, whom she helped raise.

    Dr. Robert Harmon is, like his brother, a man who cares passionately about helping people to heal. This passion led him to the Orient in the middle of his medical career to study acupuncture and meditation and to his research into the basic concepts of human nutrition and body chemistry. He also studied and researched chelation therapy and now utilizes it in the clinic. Use of chelation therapy alone has saved hundreds of his patients from expensive and invasive surgeries. Over the course of his decades of medical practice, he has strongly adhered to his Hypocratic Oath - Primum Non Nocere. Translation: "First, Do No Harm".

    In his early 70´s, Dr. Robert Harmon sees up to 60 patients a day. He is as busy now as he was when he was chief anesthesiologist for four Los Angeles Hospitals, driving from one hospital to another. His career as an anesthesiologist was remarkable with no loss of patients under his care and the use of up to 80% less anesthesia per patient than would normally be used. Impressed by this, one (only one?!) hospital administrator asked what he was doing. What he was doing was using the hypnosis taught to him in medical school by the same Dave Elman who taught his brother.

    Both Doctor Harmons understand well the power of the mind over the body, which was very fortunate for Mr. Gomez. While cutting a limb off a tree, Mr. Gomez, a man in his 50´s, fell onto the concrete curb below. He landed on his spine, which was diagnosed by neurological experts as severed. Told he would never walk again, he refused to believe it. A man of deep faith, he believed prayer could heal anything, so he set about praying with fervor. Both Dr. Harmons supported his self-prognosis and faith. His physical therapist was taught how to impress upon his subconscious the belief he could walk as she helped him to move his legs and muscles in assisted walking exercises. He was encouraged to keep repeating during these exercises the thought and words: "I´m walking."

    To everyone´s astonishment (with the notable exception of Mr. Gomez), the day arrived when he did walk. He continues to walk, stiffly and with the aid of a cane, but walk he does. There has been some heated medical discussion among those involved in his care and diagnosis as to whether: A) His spine has healed, which is considered impossible if his original diagnosis by neurological experts was correct. B) He is walking despite his spine being severed, which is also considered impossible. C) His original diagnosis was incorrect.

    Naturally, none of the possibilities please the neurological experts who diagnosed his severed spine for it means they either made a grave error in diagnosis or their understanding of the human body and its abilities is gravely limited. Mr. Gomez doesn´t care whether his spine is still severed or never was. Nor does he care to let anyone open his back and find out. He is walking. He intends to keep right on walking. He´s probably even planning to climb trees again before long.

    Some people - certainly Mr. Gomez - would say God healed him. We believe God does not choose who heals and who doesn´t. We believe God gave everyone the ability to create anything they choose to create. We know at least three levels of the mind are involved in the creation process: 1) The conscious level which creates thought. 2) The superconscious level where thought is imaged on what is sometimes called "the screen of the mind". 3) The subconscious level which manifests thought.

    You are creating thoughts continually. Other people´s thoughts are coming at you continually. One of the jobs your subconscious must do is decide which thoughts are frivolous and which are not; in other words, which thoughts are to be manifested. Hypnotists have been working directly with the subconscious mind for a very long time. Longer than even psychiatrists, psychologists, psychotherapists, or hypnotherapists. They have made some very important observations about the subconscious mind. They know that certain criteria strongly influences the subconscious mind. These criteria are:

  1. Identification. This includes the humans who raised you, the culture you were raised in, and the traits others have you wish to have.
  2. Authority. This includes the people who raised you, your religious leaders, your government leaders, your teachers, your employers, your doctors. It can even include those who bully or abuse you. Those the subconscious believes hold the power of life and death over the body strongly influence it. Thus, YOU are also an authority figure to your subconscious mind.
  3. Repetition. Thoughts, actions, and experiences repeated over and over strongly influence the subconscious mind.
  4. Emotion. The subconscious is the seat of the emotions and it is emotional energy that the subconscious uses to manifest thought. Thoughts accompanied by emotion are considered very important to the subconscious mind. The stronger the emotion, the greater the importance attached to the thoughts accompanying it. It does not judge between "good" and "bad" emotion. People are very good at manifesting that which they greatly fear as fear is a very strong emotion!
  5. Exaggeration. A good way to explain exaggeration is to substitute the words imagination, shock, trauma, physical contact or action. All of these focus the attention of the subconscious, causing it to place more importance on the thoughts being presented to it.
  6. Hypnosis. There are many ways to open the mind to suggestion, which is hypnosis. Hypnosis includes, but is not limited to, prayer, meditation, rituals, repetitive action, concentration, focus, relaxation, drugs, hypnotic medications (which include many of the common depression medications), surgery, trauma, shock, guided imagery, visualization, NLP, EMDR, massage, emotional states.
   In order to walk, Mr. Gomez had to overcome the diagnosis of a severed spine by neurological medical experts. Because such experts are powerful authority figures, many people would have considered it a waste of time, energy, and emotion to even try to learn to walk again. Not Mr. Gomez. He believed strongly in God (the ultimate authority figure) and in God´s power to do anything, even heal or overcome a severed spine. These beliefs were taught him by his culture and his religion (identification, authority, repetition, emotion, exaggeration, and hypnosis). Two other doctors (authority) supported his self-prognosis that he would walk again. Mr. Gomez certainly desired (emotion) to walk and kept (repetition) praying (hypnosis, emotion) he would walk. The physical therapist (authority figure) was taught how to present suggestions (hypnosis) to the subconscious mind for walking. As she presented these suggestions (hypnosis), she would help him move (exaggeration, identification, hypnosis) the legs and muscles necessary for walking. He was encouraged to keep repeating (repetition) mentally or verbally the thought, as he moved his legs and muscles, "I´m walking" (identification, authority, hypnosis) and to feel excited (emotion) about it. This procedure was repeated over and over (repetition). Eventually, Mr. Gomez´s subconscious mind created a way for the body to walk.

    It is our sincere belief that stories like those of Mr. Gomez, and others in these pages, will encourage those with "incurable", "inoperable", and "hopeless" conditions and situations to look beyond perceived limitations; to look within for the limitless power created in the coming together of the mind, body, and spirit.

    Years ago Pamela listened to a radio interview with a man and his doctor. The man claimed he had grown a new leg some twenty years previously. His doctor, now retired, verified this and added several medical personnel, including government medical researchers, had been aware of this. All had sworn an oath to speak of the case only to those who were involved with it, and the man´s medical records had been permanently locked away. The incredulous talk show host exclaimed, "But doctor! Why wouldn´t you tell people about it? It´s amazing news."

    "Yes," the doctor replied, "but we knew if we let the news leak, everyone would think they could grow back parts of their bodies."

    Those who feel it is their duty to "protect" humans by focusing on perceived limitations do a tragic disservice to the human potential. As long as we believe we have limits, we are limited. We certainly know enough about the mind today to realize we have not even begun to plumb its possibilities. Part of the fun of human life is to explore our potentials and part of the joy is to meet challenges with a sense of "what´s possible if I don´t close my mind to the possibilities?"

    A young woman, in her late 20´s, came to see us. "I´m dying," she said. "My doctors tell me I have maybe six weeks." We asked if she wanted to work on living. "Of course," she said, "but not this life. I had a dream. I know I´m going to die. It´s obviously my time, though I don´t know why. That´s what I want to find out. Why am I dying? Why did I create this disease? Was it to meet the challenge of dying with it, or was it to uncover what I´ve done emotionally to create it? I don´t want to take it with me into my next life. Been there, done that. I want as great a start on my next life as possible. Will you help me?"

    We were humbled, thrilled, and filled with the joy for the human mind and spirit. She helped us discover over the next ten weeks what "miracles" truly are: Self-empowerment.

How To Find & Help Your Hypnotist/Hypnotherapist

  • Check with people you know. You´d be amazed how many people are "into" hypnosis. Check the Yellow Pages of your local phone book for professional hypnotists and hypnotherapists.
  • Check training credentials. A professional hypnotist is certified with a minimum of 50 hours of CLASS (not home) training. A professional hypnotherapist is certified with a minimum of 250 hours of CLASS training.
  • Insist on a FREE consultation. Ask questions at your consultation and choose the professional YOU TRUST and feel good about. Be careful of those who "dictate" what you should do and those who use negative language.
  • EXPECT to have more than one session or ask to have a hypnosis tape to listen to at home. Like everything else, people get better at being hypnotized the more they do it.
  • Raise your eyes, whether open or closed, at the start of being hypnotized by yourself or another. This starts the altered state.
  • Relax your body. Scan it from head to toe and relax all tense muscles. Don´t forget the forehead, neck, shoulders, and hands.
  • Listen to the hypnotist´s voice. You don´t even have to concentrate on the words. Just focus on the voice, or your breathing, or on a soothing background sound. Your subconscious will do the rest.
  • Don´t try to be hypnotized and don´t resist. Just relax and let it happen. If you hear something you don´t like, tell your hypnotist. You can speak in hypnosis, it won´t break the trance. If your hypnotist ignores your objection, open your eyes and break the trance yourself.
  • When you hear the hypnotist asking you to respond, speak what you are thinking. Examining it first brings in the analytical mind, which interferes with the trance state.
  • Relax. Enjoy. Trust yourself. You are prepared. ESPECIALLY if you have read Odyssey of the Soul., Book One, Apocatastasis
  • For 20-30 minutes after hypnosis, give yourself POSITIVE self-thought and self-talk. It´s a powerful time for self-programming.


  • The first time you program a specific goal, write it down. This should be no longer than one page.
  • Write what you DO want, not what you don´t.
  • Be specific about what you want and the specific steps you need to take to achieve it.
  • Use simple, positive, exciting, and emotional words.
  • Use present tense not future tense, even when grammatically incorrect; use "I am", not "I will. Write as though you already have your goal.
  • Write as though you were trying to convince a very bright 10 year old "YOU" (your subconscious mind) to help you achieve this goal.
  • Think of a reward for that 10 year old "YOU" when you´ve achieved your goal and promise to give yourself that reward when your goal is achieved.
  • Pick a trigger word, or sentence, or symbol that sums up all you´ve written. For your last sentence write, "Every time I say, think, see, or hear (write your trigger word, sentence, or symbol) I mentally replay all that I´ve written and it is acted upon by my subconscious mind.
  • Read this aloud three times.
  • Relax your body from head to toe. Breathe deeply. Center in the Light as outlined in Chapter 8 in Odyssey of The Soul, Book One, Apocatastasis. Say, see, or think your trigger word or symbol.
  • As you are centered in the Light, think of your goal. If your mind begins to drift, say or think of your trigger word, sentence, or symbol.
  • Think/speak your trigger word, sentence, or symbol all day every day.


    This is the process with each goal. Write a separate sheet for each unrelated goal. Use your trigger words often and center your goals in the Light often. If you find yourself taking the steps to achieve your goal, it´s working. If you don´t, or find yourself feeling irritable or upset every time you think of your goal, you probably have inner blocks to achieving it. Seek a good hypnotherapist to help you with this.


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